Ca’ Foscari University based in Venice asked us to develop the identity of Elettrofoscari: an electronic music’s laboratory, a team of musicians and an concert/event which closes the didactic-seminar’s path. The communication design originates from several requirements:
– Detect new forms of identity, alternative to corporate identity and brand-logotype,
– Research a direct synesthesia between audio and video,
– Conceive communication’s project as research’s activity, laboratorial and collaborative, like Elettrofoscari.
Taking inspiration from the sperimentation by Oskar Fischinger and Norman McLaren on the elaboration at the same time of sound and image, we found in the spectrogram an appropriate tool for visualizing music. In order to control both the music result and the visual one we searched a compromise between synthesis and regolarity of form and sound’s quality. The synesthesia so obtained, unintentionally remembers the notations by the first experiencers of electronic music (Cage, Stockhausen), but it’s not music’s image but music and image itself. The track composed for the occasion in called Fosca (experiment for laptop).
For the concert’s communication we decided to add an environmental component. So we built an application which takes informations from a webcam and use these in order to play slower or faster an audio track. This track, played normally, gives a circle drawing as spectrogram, so accelerating or decelerating the track the shape of the circle changes. We recorded a sequence of circles in the concert’s place and we used it for posters and flyers.