![My Peace is Your Piece, Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg, 2016](https://silviolorusso.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/mypeaceisyourpiece_silvio-lorusso_sebastian-schmieg_empty-1080x655.jpg)
In an attempt to explore the medium of leisure, Sebastian and I decided not to deliver a product, and instead we became service providers. Our offer was: spend as little as 1$ to rent space in a gallery in Canada and be part of the show.
![My Peace is Your Piece, Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg, 2016](https://silviolorusso.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/mypeaceisyourpiece_silvio-lorusso_sebastian-schmieg_half-1080x655.jpg)
![My Peace is Your Piece, Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg, 2016](https://silviolorusso.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/mypeaceisyourpiece_silvio-lorusso_sebastian-schmieg_full-1080x655.jpg)
Made during Art Hack Day “Per Capita”: “Art Hack Day is an event that dissects the process of artistic creation. This event is part of the 2016 edition of the international festival of digital art, Sight & Sound, whose theme, Per Capita, explores the sharing economy and other collaborative horizontal models. Between September 30th and October 2nd, 40 artists and hackers will inhabit Eastern Bloc, Montreal, to create a flash exhibition around the theme of the sharing economy.”
“From a critical perspective and through collaborative practice, this flash exhibition aims to reinterpret the complexity of these challenges by focusing on the practices of ‘do-it-yourself’ and ‘do-it- together’, which are located at the intersection of art, technology and science. By cultivating risk taking and experimentation participants are encouraged to take an informed look at these current phenomena from the economy of sharing, questioning its mechanisms, its impact and its place in our society. Are sharing economy models truly fair and democratic alternatives? Can these models invest in sustainable development according to shared and enduring values? Can they be part of a solidarity dimension where communities are really engaged?”